Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Going Green...

There has been a lot of discussion about just how much impact one person can have on the earth and global climate change. To my mind, it will take a huge, world-wide effort by all of the earth’s nations to truly fix these problems. But each of us can help. By making an individual commitment to reducing our ecological footprint, each of us sends a message to our governments, our neighbors, and ourselves that we and our children are worth the effort.

So what am I doing to reduce my footprint? Well, I am what is know as a green wannabe. Why? Because economics has a major impact on how much each person can do. Before I became as ‘green’ as I am now, I bought an SUV (when I had a little more cash than I do now) and I still have it. I would give it up if I could replace it with… dream? a hybrid or a smart car. Reality? Anything! On the upside of this SUV, I don’t drive it more than 25-50 miles a week and I always combine lots of errands when I do use it.

I recently went to (a great TV channel for green info) and measured my ecological footprint. It came out with a whopping 17.2 acres for ONE person. This isn’t too bad as I live on 4 acres of land that is wooded and natural but I was shocked! I recycle. I compost. I wash dishes without a dishwasher. I hang my laundry. BUT… I rent my home so I cannot make a lot of physical changes. I do not have solar or wind power. Nor do I have any passive solar.

So I decided to take what I know and what my friends know (very ‘Green’ friends) and apply it to something else I know. Weddings. So here are my thoughts on how to green your wedding.


Linda Lauro-Lazin said...

Actually, you don't have to put solar PV on the roof or put up a windmill in the back yard to reduce your carbon footprint.

Whether you own or rent your home,if you pay for your own electricity you can choose clean renewable energy sources.

Check out Community Energy:

_All_ of our electricity comes from renewable resources.

eco els said...

Thanks for the info, Linda! It will be a great help to many of us.

Anonymous said...

Another great green event option is to rent digital cameras instead of using disposable cameras. rents digital cameras [fully insured] and creates a free picture sharing website for you. No need to dispose of any cameras and all the harmful chemicals in them, or develop bad pictures that will get thrown away.

More info:

eco els said...

What a Super Idea! You can save the planet in several ways... very cool.

It amazes me how many ways we can make small changes in everyday living to make a difference. Keep up the good work, all!

Coming topics:
synthetic diamonds
food choices
dress options
and more

Any topic suggestions? drop me a line and I will explore it